PHRASAL VERB 坐着挨到(电影、讲座、会议等)结束 If you sit through something such as a film, lecture, or meeting, you stay until it is finished although you are not enjoying it.
...movies so bad you can hardly bear to sit through them. 糟得叫人很难耐着性子看完的影片
Do20-somethings want to sit through a4-minute video about body lotions? 难道20多岁的年轻人真的愿意耐着性子看完长达4分钟的润肤乳广告吗?
A similar number had actually allowed a colleague to sit through a meeting with lipstick on their cheek. 另有十分之一的受访者曾让同事面带着红唇印一直在会场坐到会议结束。
Most children of her age would not be able to sit through an opera. 大多数她这个年纪的孩子不会耐着性子看完一部歌剧。
Who wants to sit through something like that? he added. 他说:谁愿意坐着看完一场像这样的比赛?
Eg. we had to sit through several tedious speeches. 我们只得坐在那里听着几个乏味的讲演。
I'm sorry you both had to sit through it. 抱歉你俩得坐在这里忍受。
I had to sit through three hours of Welsh folk singing – I was bored stiff. 我不得不在威尔士民间演唱会连坐3个小时-我厌烦到极点。
The show was so boring that I could hardly sit through the first act. 演出十分乏味,我几乎无法看完第一幕。
The finalists also had to demonstrate their blogging abilities, take swimming tests and sit through in-person interviews. 选手们还要展示他们写博客的能力、接受游泳测试以及与考官面谈等。
For instance, you might pay too much for some takeout food that really sucks, but you eat it anyway, or you sit through a movie even after you realize it's terrible. 例如,您可能会支付一些外卖食物,真的很糟糕太多,但无论如何你吃了,或者你通过电影,即使你知道它的可怕坐。
But no one wants to sit through a10-minute explanation as you slowly get to your point. 但是谁也不愿意听你唠叨10分钟后才慢慢步入正题。
She asked that one of the young ladies might be allowed to sit through the rest of the performance in her box that they might become better acquainted, and Natasha moved into it. 为了更充分地互相认识,她请求他让其中一个小姐在歌剧演出的其余部分到她包厢去坐一阵子,于是娜塔莎往她那边去了。
We three did not sit through the lecture. 听讲座,三个人都没坚持到底。
I sit through all three performances but none of them is any good. 三个节目我都从头看到尾,可是没一个节目是精彩的。
From that time began, has made animated plagiarism actually sit through the clear evidence. 从彼时开始,国产动画抄袭行为已可通过明显证据坐实。
Now we sit through Shakespeare in order to recognize the quotations. 为了认识其语录,且让我们耐心看完莎士比亚的戏剧吧。
Without good notes you might sit through an entire semester of classes and not have anything to prepare you for the final. 没有好的笔记,你可能听完整个一学期的课程,没有任何东西来准备期末考试。
It would have been very boring to sit through the whole speech. 坐着听完整场演讲会是非常枯燥。
I had to sit through exams. I had to get my credits. 毕竟我还要考试啊,学分也是一定要拿到的。
It's hard for little kids to sit through a whole baseball game. 让小孩子安安生生地看完整块棒场比较实在是强人所难。
Who wants to sit through a long, boring speech? 谁愿意从头到尾坐着听冗长又无聊的演讲呢?
It is really pointless to sit through a tedious lecture if you do not take any interest in it. 如果你对冗长的讲座不感兴趣,那从头至尾把它听完实在是毫无意义的。
If I have to sit through one more boring meeting, I think I'll scream. 要是再让我坐着等这么个无聊的会结束,我非得尖叫不可。
We gotta sit through an entire dinner with my mother. 等下我们要和我妈妈一起吃晚餐。
I can't sit through six hours of Wagner! 看六小时的瓦格纳歌剧我可坐不住!
So, that evening, I sat down with a renowned expert in the field of romantic movies ( aka my girlfriend) to sit through a couple of hours of slush. 所以那天晚上,我就和一个爱情电影迷(嘿,我女朋友)花了几个小时一起看完这个情意绵绵的电影。
Are you able to sit through the play? 你能耐着性子看完戏吗?
Do you or your leadership team periodically sit through days-long meetings to update your strategic plan? 你是否经常和你的团队苦思冥想一整天来更新公司的经营战略?
I tried to sit through the laughter with some dignity. 我试图庄重地坐着,直到嘲笑声消失。